Hypnotherapy for menopause

For many women, the menopause is a time in their life when they are beset with physical and emotional problems. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is commonly prescribed to women to help with menopausal symptoms, but many women prefer not to take HRT, and it is not suitable for everyone. There is also a small but relevant associated risk of HRT causing cancer.
In recent years, there has been a surge of research into alternative methods of supporting women through menopause, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), yoga, diet and hypnotherapy.
Randomised, controlled trials of clinical hypnotherapy demonstrated that hypnotherapy is significantly effective in helping women with frequent hot flushes.
Hypnotherapy has been scientifically proven to help reduce symptoms, with hypnotherapy being found to be 74% as effective as HRT for reducing hot flushes and night sweats – without any side effects!
The menopause transition most commonly starts in women in their mid-to-late 40s and can last several years, although some women start much earlier. Menopause symptoms can be triggered by treatment for breast cancer.
This transition period can have a huge effect on all areas of women’s lives. Women report hot flushes, lowered mood, anxiety and sleep disturbances, weight gain, aching joints, decreased energy swollen breasts, lowered libido, and heavy bleeding.
The menopause has a heavy impact on the workforce, with recent research finding 50% of menopausal women are not applying for promotion, or are taking early retirement. 20% choose to leave the workforce entirely because they find their symptoms unmanageable.
The most commonly reported symptoms of menopause are hot flushes, and night sweats. A hot flush is a sudden feeling of warmth in your upper body, which is usually most intense over the face, neck and chest. Your skin might redden, similar to blushing. A hot flush can also cause intense sweating. Losing too much body heat can result in feeling chilled afterward.
Most research suggests that hot flushes occur when decreased oestrogen levels cause the hypothalamus, which is your body's thermostat, to become more sensitive to slight changes in body temperature. If your hypothalamus thinks your body is too warm, it starts a chain of events — a hot flush — to cool you down. As well as the physical discomfort, some women may experience feelings of embarrassment or loss of control.
Many women find hot flushes interfere with their quality of sleep: research by the Centre for Disease Control in the United States has shown that a third of menopausal women sleep an average of seven hours a night or less, and nearly half wake up without feeling rested at least four days a week.
Hypnotherapy has been shown to be effective in reducing many of the symptoms of menopause including hot flushes, brain fog, and fatigue. By giving back a sense of control, it provides women with a sense of agency in the whole transition process.
Research has shown that focusing on cooling imagery whilst in a state of hypnosis allows for greater control over hot flushes and can help prevent them altogether. Several studies have been carried out, and the conclusions in all show that clinical hypnosis was significantly better at reducing the frequency and severity of hot flushes, and improving mood and sleep, than no treatment. Hypnotherapy was demonstrated to reduce hot flushes by as much as 74%, proving it to be as effective as HRT in managing these symptoms.
Sleep disturbances are a common problem among peri-menopausal women, with up to 70% reporting poor sleep. Hypnotherapy is an effective treatment for sleep disturbances, offering clinically meaningful sleep improvement.
These medical studies all point to the power the mind has in influencing the body’s reactions. Teaching the mind to regulate breathing, for instance, regulates hot flushes, stress, and anxiety by slowing the process and allowing women to regain control. Hypnotherapy helps calm the body's stress response — actively reversing the raised heart rate, rush of blood, and sweating.
Hypnotherapy is a safe, and relaxing treatment, and you are in control throughout the session.
Treatment can be done either in person, or through self-hypnois using an audio download
Typically, your hypnotherapist will begin by supporting you into a state of calm, focussed relaxation, so that you find it easy to ignore outside disturbances and intrusive thoughts.
Your attention will be focussed on the ideas and suggestions from the therapist, who will encourage you to visualise cooling imagery. This might be sipping an ice-cold drink on a hot day, or feeling the sensation of an ice-cube in your mouth. You may be guided to imagine stepping into a cool sea or feeling a cool breeze. In this deeply relaxed state, these images may feel very real.
The purpose of this cool imagery is to encourage your brain to regain control of your temperature-control mechanisms. Your hypnotherapist may then give suggestions for managing hot flushes in day-to-day life, such as, “Your hot flushes will bother you less and less, you will gain control over your hot flushes.” These suggestions are designed to give a sense of control over symptoms, whilst also providing a sense of calm. You will then be coached in self-hypnosis so that you can learn to visualise that same body-cooling sensation when hot flushes strike in everyday life, leading to actual relief of symptoms.
Hypnotherapy has also been shown to improve many other aspects of life during menopause. Many studies have shown that hypnotherapy is effective in improving sleep, reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood and increasing confidence, and supporting weight loss.
What is the Menopause?
How does hypnotherapy help with menopause?
What happens during a hypnotherapy session for menopause?
To find out more about how we can support you through your menopause journey, call us on
Holistic approach to menopause
We've been working in partnership with different practitioners who offer a holistic approach to menopause
We'd like to introduce you to:
Sally is passionate about helping people improve menopause symptoms through nutrition and lifestyle. She’s a registered Health Coach and Menopause Well-being Practitioner.
Working with organisations, she helps employers retain talent, reduce sickness absence and create a culture of diversity, equality and inclusivity by providing menopause workplace support.
Using Health Coaching techniques, Sally takes a holistic approach to menopause relief with private clients and within workplaces. She provides the tools, motivation and guidance to take control of health so that clients feel energised, confident, happy and healthy, and able to thrive at work and play!
For more information see website www.rebalancebysally.com or contact Sally to discuss programmes tailored to you. email: sally@rebalancebysally.com
Sally Sidani-Wilkinson.